The Auditory Processing Center performs comprehensive (central) auditory processing evaluations for children and adults.  Please explore the website to learn more about auditory processing, who may be a candidate for testing, and what types of remediation may be appropriate.
What is a (central) auditory processing disorder?

A (central) auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is synonymous with an auditory processing disorder (APD). In its simplest form it can be described as "what the brain does with what it hears." CAPD is the umbrella term and under that umbrella are several subtypes. A comprehensive evaluation, by an experienced audiologist, is needed to determine where along the auditory pathways the breakdown is occurring so that the subtype can be identified.
How do you test for a (central) auditory processing disorder?

Testing is completed in a sound booth under headphones with deficit-specific auditory tests that assess a variety of auditory processing skills. Dr. Braun has over 22 years experience conducting comprehensive auditory processing evaluations on children and adults.
What are the symptoms of a (central) auditory processing disorder?

Symptoms vary depending on the location of the auditory pathway(s) affected. Some individuals have only a few symptoms such as difficulty understanding in noise and mishearing words, while others have more comprehensive symptoms affecting academic and workplace performance as well as everyday listening.
What can be done to improve symptoms?

A qualified audiologist can recommend therapies and strategies to improve auditory processing skills. Therapies are specific to the particular areas of deficit along the auditory pathways.