Although other professionals (e.g., physicians, psychologists, educational therapists, speech-langauge pathologists, occupational therapists, etc.) can perform tests that indicate the potential for a CAPD, they cannot determine the subtype, or specific areas of auditory processing deficits. It is only when an individual is tested with carefully controlled and specific auditory processing tests that the presence of a CAPD and the specific subtype(s) can be determined.
Dr. Braun is a licensed educational audiologist who specializes in diagnosing (central) auditory processing disorders in both adults and children. She has over 22 years experience and has completed over 5,000 auditory processing evaluations.

Testing in a Sound Booth
All testing is conducted under headphones in a sound booth utilizing tests designed specifically to assess central auditory processing. The battery includes a complete audiological evaluation including a comprehensive hearing test and assessment of the middle ear space, auditory nerve and cochlear hair cell function.
Click here to learn more about auditory processing subtypes

Types of Tests
CAPD testing assesses the following auditory processing areas:
temporal resolution
temporal ordering/sequencing
dichotic listening
degraded signals (noise, filtered, time compressed)
phonemic synthesis
binaural interaction