What can be done to help individuals with CAPD:
There are numerous programs and activities that can be utilized to improve auditory processing skills for both children and adults. Current brain research indicates the need for daily stimulation in order to strengthen existing nerve connections as well as establish new ones. A comprehensive (central) auditory processing evaluation allows treatment to be tailored to the individual.

At-Home Listening Activities:
The benefit of at-home training is that simple activities can be utilized every day to take advantage of neural plasticity.  Some can include:
At-home dichotic listening training
Computer training programs
iPad applications
Musical activities
Speech-in-noise training

Formal Programs:
There are formal programs available that can be tailored to the specific auditory pathway deficits.  Some programs are completed at private program centers while others can be administered by speech-language pathologists, educational therapists and occupational therapists.  All program recommendations are based on the specific auditory processing deficit that is present.Â

Classroom and workplace accommodations:
Based on test findings, numerous classroom and/or workplace accommodations are recommended. Â Classroom accommodations can be provided through a 504 Plan or formal IEP, and workplace accommodations can be implemented via the Americans With Disabilities Act. Â Assistive technology may be appropriate in both classroom and workplace environments.